the music
booking contact
the gospel
the band

bruce gonzales
Bruce Gonzales is a native San Antonian who has been playing bass in bands around the city since 2003. He has been able to tour around the country in the Christian music realm nearly 15 years sharing the Gospel here, near, and far. Bruce got his Masters in Biblical Studies and and is the director of Unchained Ministries. Bruce is happily married going on 10 years with a nearly 2 year old son, both he loves dearly. He is a member at Believers Fellowship Church and loves serving the body and witnessing to the world through the church. Colossians 2:8

jaron touhey

dave whalen
Dave Whalen grew up in the Pacific Northwest and moved to Texas in 2013 as part of a military move. He has been drumming since 1992 and has played in bands of all types, from country to metalcore. Dave records music professionally and is a deacon at Calvary Hills Baptist Church in San Antonio. He also has a passion for biblical counseling as it enables him to share the Gospel with people in need and bring the word of God to bear on their lives. He has been married for over 20 years and has two grown children, both of whom are faithful followers of Christ.